our ‘soothe & care’ packs

All our ‘Soothe & Care’ packs contain personal care products that enable frontline staff to take a moment to care for their minds and bodies such as shampoo, bath salts and moisturiser. 

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THE ‘soothe & care’ PACK 

Our packs give frontline staff the chance to take a moment of calm after a long shift and make sure they’re caring for themselves as well as others.

how our packs help 

 Packs are made up of brands such as Vaseline that help heal busy hands and Dove, whose ¼ moisturising cream leaves skin feeling smooth. 

products in our packs 

Alongside Vaseline Petroleum Jelly and Dove Moisturiser we’ve included other personal care items such as Radox Bath Salts and Simple face wipes.

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Part of the very original concept of the project was to say a simple ‘thank you’ to the amazing teams working so hard to help their patients. Therefore there is a ‘THANK YOU’ card in with every ‘SOOTHE & CARE PACK.


 Important Note: The packs will potentially develop and adapt over time with feedback from the frontline